Field Hockey
Iowa 3, Michigan State 2
Columbus, OH

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Iowa vs MSU (Nov 02, 2007)

Iowa vs MSU (Nov 02, 2007)

Soccer Box Score

Soccer Box Score (Final) Iowa Field Hockey Iowa vs MSU (Nov 02, 2007 at Columbus, Ohio)

Iowa (16-3, 4-2 Big Ten) vs. Goals by period 1 2 OT Tot MSU (16-5, 5-1 Big Ten) ---------------------------------- Date: Nov 02, 2007 Attendance: 274 Iowa................ 1 1 1 - 3 Weather: Sunny, 60 degrees MSU................. 1 1 0 - 2

Iowa MSU Pos ## Player Sh SOG G A Pos ## Player Sh SOG G A ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ G 6 Munley,Lissa........ - - - - G 1 Unger, Elissa....... - - - - B 2 Ellis,Roz........... - - - - B 2 Raynor, Geraldine... - - - - F 5 McCurdy, Caitlin.... 1 - - - F 6 Manning, Becky...... - - - - F 7 Naughton,Katie...... 2 1 - - F 8 Huck, Amanda........ - - - - F 9 Duffy,Lindsey....... 1 1 - - F 9 Elenz-Martin, Kathry - - - - M 13 Werley,Jess......... - - - - B 11 Van Ierland, Joelle. 1 - - - B 15 Beamesderfer,Meghan. - - - - M 12 Schneider, Amy...... - - - - B 16 Sickel,Kadi......... - - - - M 14 Rijpma, Floor....... 4 2 1 - M 17 Pfeiffer,Lauren..... - - - 2 F 17 Pagura, Angela...... - - - - F 20 Blaum,Caroline...... 2 2 2 - B 18 Van der Laag, Charlo - - - 1 M 21 Dean,Tricia......... 1 1 - - B 22 Deacon, Jeamie...... - - - - ---------- Substitutes ---------- ---------- Substitutes ---------- 19 Dybus,Adrienne...... 3 3 1 - 3 Riley, Gwen......... 2 1 1 - Totals.............. 10 8 3 2 7 Ciliberti, Michelle. - - - - 20 Steinmetz, Jantine.. - - - - Totals.............. 7 3 2 1

Iowa MSU ## Player MIN GA Saves ## Player MIN GA Saves --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- 6 Munley,Lissa........ 71:37 2 1 1 Unger, Elissa....... 71:37 3 5

Shots by period 1 2 OT Tot Saves by period 1 2 OT Tot ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Iowa................ 5 4 1 - 10 Iowa................ 0 1 0 - 1 MSU................. 2 5 0 - 7 MSU................. 2 3 0 - 5

Corner kicks 1 2 OT Tot Fouls 1 2 OT Tot ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Iowa................ 1 2 0 - 3 Iowa................ 0 0 0 - 0 MSU................. 1 2 0 - 3 MSU................. 0 0 0 - 0

SCORING SUMMARY: GOAL Time Team Goal Scorer Assists Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 7:36 IOWA Blaum,Caroline Pfeiffer,Lauren Tipped in on penalty corner 2. 28:17 MSU Riley, Gwen Van der Laag, Charlo Long shot in to circle, tapped in 3. 51:31 MSU Rijpma, Floor (unassisted) Brought into circle, shot right side 4. 53:38 IOWA Dybus,Adrienne (unassisted) 5. 71:37 IOWA Blaum,Caroline Pfeiffer,Lauren Breakaway, scored from right side


Officials: Referee: Kim Hodgdon; Asst. Referee: Steve Boniface; Gus Soteriades-table; Scorer: Courtney Walerius; Offsides: Iowa 0, MSU 0. Semifinal 2 - 2007 Big Ten Tournament Iowa advances to the championship game

Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary (1st period) Iowa Field Hockey Iowa vs MSU (Nov 02, 2007 at Columbus, Ohio)

Iowa Starters: MSU Starters: B 2 Ellis,Roz G 1 Unger, Elissa F 5 McCurdy, Caitlin B 2 Raynor, Geraldine G 6 Munley,Lissa F 6 Manning, Becky F 7 Naughton,Katie F 8 Huck, Amanda F 9 Duffy,Lindsey F 9 Elenz-Martin, Kathry M 13 Werley,Jess B 11 Van Ierland, Joelle B 15 Beamesderfer,Meghan M 12 Schneider, Amy B 16 Sickel,Kadi M 14 Rijpma, Floor M 17 Pfeiffer,Lauren F 17 Pagura, Angela F 20 Blaum,Caroline B 18 Van der Laag, Charlo M 21 Dean,Tricia B 22 Deacon, Jeamie

[00:00] Munley,Lissa at goalie for IOWA. [00:00] Unger, Elissa at goalie for MSU. [04:00] Shot by IOWA Naughton,Katie, SAVE Unger, Elissa. [04:05] Shot by IOWA Duffy,Lindsey, SAVE Unger, Elissa. [07:19] Corner kick by IOWA Blaum,Caroline. [07:36] GOAL by IOWA Blaum,Caroline (FIRST GOAL), Assist by Pfeiffer,Lauren.

==================== ==================== IOWA 1, MSU 0 ====================

*Tipped in on penalty corner [13:51] MSU substitution: Steinmetz, Jantine for Elenz-Martin, Kathry. [21:04] MSU substitution: Riley, Gwen for Manning, Becky. [23:29] Shot by IOWA McCurdy, Caitlin HIT POST. [24:11] MSU substitution: Ciliberti, Michelle for Rijpma, Floor. [24:40] IOWA substitution: Dybus,Adrienne for Duffy,Lindsey. [27:50] MSU substitution: Elenz-Martin, Kathry for Steinmetz, Jantine. [28:17] GOAL by MSU Riley, Gwen, Assist by Van der Laag, Charlo.

==================== ==================== IOWA 1, MSU 1 ====================

*Long shot in to circle, tapped in [29:59] MSU substitution: Rijpma, Floor for Huck, Amanda. [30:23] IOWA substitution: Duffy,Lindsey for Dybus,Adrienne. [30:57] Shot by IOWA Naughton,Katie WIDE. [31:01] MSU substitution: Manning, Becky for Deacon, Jeamie. [33:47] Corner kick by MSU Van der Laag, Charlo. [34:19] Shot by MSU Riley, Gwen BLOCKED. [34:22] MSU substitution: Deacon, Jeamie for Pagura, Angela. End of period [35:00].

Play-by-Play Summary (2nd period)

Start of 2nd period [35:00]. [41:03] MSU substitution: Steinmetz, Jantine for Riley, Gwen. [43:52] IOWA substitution: Dybus,Adrienne for Naughton,Katie. [45:06] Shot by MSU Rijpma, Floor, SAVE Munley,Lissa. [49:24] Shot by IOWA Dybus,Adrienne, SAVE Unger, Elissa. [51:31] GOAL by MSU Rijpma, Floor.

==================== ==================== IOWA 1, MSU 2 ====================

*Brought into circle, shot right side [54:36] Shot by IOWA Dybus,Adrienne, SAVE Unger, Elissa. [53:38] GOAL by IOWA Duffy,Lindsey, Assist by Dybus,Adrienne.

==================== ==================== IOWA 2, MSU 2 ====================

*Off rebound [55:24] IOWA substitution: Naughton,Katie for Duffy,Lindsey. [56:05] MSU substitution: Riley, Gwen for Manning, Becky. [57:49] MSU substitution: Ciliberti, Michelle for Steinmetz, Jantine. [60:11] MSU substitution: Elenz-Martin, Kathry for Rijpma, Floor. [60:49] IOWA substitution: Duffy,Lindsey for Dybus,Adrienne. [61:02] Shot by MSU Van Ierland, Joelle WIDE. [61:43] Corner kick by IOWA Blaum,Caroline. [62:39] Corner kick by IOWA Blaum,Caroline. [63:11] MSU substitution: Manning, Becky for Ciliberti, Michelle. [63:11] MSU substitution: Steinmetz, Jantine for Riley, Gwen. [64:08] MSU substitution: Rijpma, Floor for Elenz-Martin, Kathry. [64:25] Shot by IOWA Dean,Tricia, SAVE Unger, Elissa. [66:22] Corner kick by MSU Van der Laag, Charlo. [66:58] Shot by MSU Rijpma, Floor BLOCKED. [67:10] Corner kick by MSU Van der Laag, Charlo. [67:28] Shot by MSU Rijpma, Floor BLOCKED. End of period [70:00].

Play-by-Play Summary (OT period)

Start of OT period [70:00]. For IOWA: #6 Munley,Lissa, #20 Blaum,Caroline, #21 Dean,Tricia, #16 Sickel,Kadi, #17 Pfeiffer,Lauren, #15 Beamesderfer,Meghan, #2 Ellis,Roz. For MSU: #1 Unger, Elissa, #8 Huck, Amanda, #6 Manning, Becky, #22 Deacon, Jeamie, #14 Rijpma, Floor, #17 Pagura, Angela, #12 Schneider, Amy. [71:37] GOAL by IOWA Blaum,Caroline.

==================== ==================== IOWA 3, MSU 2 ====================

*Breakaway, scored from right side

==================== ==================== IOWA 3, MSU 2 ====================