Soccer Box Score (Final) Iowa Field Hockey Iowa vs MSU (Nov 02, 2007 at Columbus, Ohio)
Iowa (16-3, 4-2 Big Ten) vs. Goals by period 1 2 OT Tot MSU (16-5, 5-1 Big Ten) ---------------------------------- Date: Nov 02, 2007 Attendance: 274 Iowa................ 1 1 1 - 3 Weather: Sunny, 60 degrees MSU................. 1 1 0 - 2
Iowa MSU Pos ## Player Sh SOG G A Pos ## Player Sh SOG G A ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ G 6 Munley,Lissa........ - - - - G 1 Unger, Elissa....... - - - - B 2 Ellis,Roz........... - - - - B 2 Raynor, Geraldine... - - - - F 5 McCurdy, Caitlin.... 1 - - - F 6 Manning, Becky...... - - - - F 7 Naughton,Katie...... 2 1 - - F 8 Huck, Amanda........ - - - - F 9 Duffy,Lindsey....... 1 1 - - F 9 Elenz-Martin, Kathry - - - - M 13 Werley,Jess......... - - - - B 11 Van Ierland, Joelle. 1 - - - B 15 Beamesderfer,Meghan. - - - - M 12 Schneider, Amy...... - - - - B 16 Sickel,Kadi......... - - - - M 14 Rijpma, Floor....... 4 2 1 - M 17 Pfeiffer,Lauren..... - - - 2 F 17 Pagura, Angela...... - - - - F 20 Blaum,Caroline...... 2 2 2 - B 18 Van der Laag, Charlo - - - 1 M 21 Dean,Tricia......... 1 1 - - B 22 Deacon, Jeamie...... - - - - ---------- Substitutes ---------- ---------- Substitutes ---------- 19 Dybus,Adrienne...... 3 3 1 - 3 Riley, Gwen......... 2 1 1 - Totals.............. 10 8 3 2 7 Ciliberti, Michelle. - - - - 20 Steinmetz, Jantine.. - - - - Totals.............. 7 3 2 1
Iowa MSU ## Player MIN GA Saves ## Player MIN GA Saves --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- 6 Munley,Lissa........ 71:37 2 1 1 Unger, Elissa....... 71:37 3 5
Shots by period 1 2 OT Tot Saves by period 1 2 OT Tot ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Iowa................ 5 4 1 - 10 Iowa................ 0 1 0 - 1 MSU................. 2 5 0 - 7 MSU................. 2 3 0 - 5
Corner kicks 1 2 OT Tot Fouls 1 2 OT Tot ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Iowa................ 1 2 0 - 3 Iowa................ 0 0 0 - 0 MSU................. 1 2 0 - 3 MSU................. 0 0 0 - 0
SCORING SUMMARY: GOAL Time Team Goal Scorer Assists Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 7:36 IOWA Blaum,Caroline Pfeiffer,Lauren Tipped in on penalty corner 2. 28:17 MSU Riley, Gwen Van der Laag, Charlo Long shot in to circle, tapped in 3. 51:31 MSU Rijpma, Floor (unassisted) Brought into circle, shot right side 4. 53:38 IOWA Dybus,Adrienne (unassisted) 5. 71:37 IOWA Blaum,Caroline Pfeiffer,Lauren Breakaway, scored from right side
Officials: Referee: Kim Hodgdon; Asst. Referee: Steve Boniface; Gus Soteriades-table; Scorer: Courtney Walerius; Offsides: Iowa 0, MSU 0. Semifinal 2 - 2007 Big Ten Tournament Iowa advances to the championship game
Play-by-Play Summary (1st period) Iowa Field Hockey Iowa vs MSU (Nov 02, 2007 at Columbus, Ohio)Iowa Starters: MSU Starters: B 2 Ellis,Roz G 1 Unger, Elissa F 5 McCurdy, Caitlin B 2 Raynor, Geraldine G 6 Munley,Lissa F 6 Manning, Becky F 7 Naughton,Katie F 8 Huck, Amanda F 9 Duffy,Lindsey F 9 Elenz-Martin, Kathry M 13 Werley,Jess B 11 Van Ierland, Joelle B 15 Beamesderfer,Meghan M 12 Schneider, Amy B 16 Sickel,Kadi M 14 Rijpma, Floor M 17 Pfeiffer,Lauren F 17 Pagura, Angela F 20 Blaum,Caroline B 18 Van der Laag, Charlo M 21 Dean,Tricia B 22 Deacon, Jeamie
[00:00] Munley,Lissa at goalie for IOWA. [00:00] Unger, Elissa at goalie for MSU. [04:00] Shot by IOWA Naughton,Katie, SAVE Unger, Elissa. [04:05] Shot by IOWA Duffy,Lindsey, SAVE Unger, Elissa. [07:19] Corner kick by IOWA Blaum,Caroline. [07:36] GOAL by IOWA Blaum,Caroline (FIRST GOAL), Assist by Pfeiffer,Lauren.
==================== ==================== IOWA 1, MSU 0 ====================
*Tipped in on penalty corner [13:51] MSU substitution: Steinmetz, Jantine for Elenz-Martin, Kathry. [21:04] MSU substitution: Riley, Gwen for Manning, Becky. [23:29] Shot by IOWA McCurdy, Caitlin HIT POST. [24:11] MSU substitution: Ciliberti, Michelle for Rijpma, Floor. [24:40] IOWA substitution: Dybus,Adrienne for Duffy,Lindsey. [27:50] MSU substitution: Elenz-Martin, Kathry for Steinmetz, Jantine. [28:17] GOAL by MSU Riley, Gwen, Assist by Van der Laag, Charlo.
==================== ==================== IOWA 1, MSU 1 ====================
*Long shot in to circle, tapped in [29:59] MSU substitution: Rijpma, Floor for Huck, Amanda. [30:23] IOWA substitution: Duffy,Lindsey for Dybus,Adrienne. [30:57] Shot by IOWA Naughton,Katie WIDE. [31:01] MSU substitution: Manning, Becky for Deacon, Jeamie. [33:47] Corner kick by MSU Van der Laag, Charlo. [34:19] Shot by MSU Riley, Gwen BLOCKED. [34:22] MSU substitution: Deacon, Jeamie for Pagura, Angela. End of period [35:00].
Play-by-Play Summary (2nd period)Start of 2nd period [35:00]. [41:03] MSU substitution: Steinmetz, Jantine for Riley, Gwen. [43:52] IOWA substitution: Dybus,Adrienne for Naughton,Katie. [45:06] Shot by MSU Rijpma, Floor, SAVE Munley,Lissa. [49:24] Shot by IOWA Dybus,Adrienne, SAVE Unger, Elissa. [51:31] GOAL by MSU Rijpma, Floor.
==================== ==================== IOWA 1, MSU 2 ====================
*Brought into circle, shot right side [54:36] Shot by IOWA Dybus,Adrienne, SAVE Unger, Elissa. [53:38] GOAL by IOWA Duffy,Lindsey, Assist by Dybus,Adrienne.
==================== ==================== IOWA 2, MSU 2 ====================
*Off rebound [55:24] IOWA substitution: Naughton,Katie for Duffy,Lindsey. [56:05] MSU substitution: Riley, Gwen for Manning, Becky. [57:49] MSU substitution: Ciliberti, Michelle for Steinmetz, Jantine. [60:11] MSU substitution: Elenz-Martin, Kathry for Rijpma, Floor. [60:49] IOWA substitution: Duffy,Lindsey for Dybus,Adrienne. [61:02] Shot by MSU Van Ierland, Joelle WIDE. [61:43] Corner kick by IOWA Blaum,Caroline. [62:39] Corner kick by IOWA Blaum,Caroline. [63:11] MSU substitution: Manning, Becky for Ciliberti, Michelle. [63:11] MSU substitution: Steinmetz, Jantine for Riley, Gwen. [64:08] MSU substitution: Rijpma, Floor for Elenz-Martin, Kathry. [64:25] Shot by IOWA Dean,Tricia, SAVE Unger, Elissa. [66:22] Corner kick by MSU Van der Laag, Charlo. [66:58] Shot by MSU Rijpma, Floor BLOCKED. [67:10] Corner kick by MSU Van der Laag, Charlo. [67:28] Shot by MSU Rijpma, Floor BLOCKED. End of period [70:00].
Play-by-Play Summary (OT period)Start of OT period [70:00]. For IOWA: #6 Munley,Lissa, #20 Blaum,Caroline, #21 Dean,Tricia, #16 Sickel,Kadi, #17 Pfeiffer,Lauren, #15 Beamesderfer,Meghan, #2 Ellis,Roz. For MSU: #1 Unger, Elissa, #8 Huck, Amanda, #6 Manning, Becky, #22 Deacon, Jeamie, #14 Rijpma, Floor, #17 Pagura, Angela, #12 Schneider, Amy. [71:37] GOAL by IOWA Blaum,Caroline.
==================== ==================== IOWA 3, MSU 2 ====================
*Breakaway, scored from right side
==================== ==================== IOWA 3, MSU 2 ====================